‘Burned by All the Lies (Parody), 15” x 12” Framed size, ink on artist archival paper. Original ink drawing/illustration.
My childhood cartoons are not what they used to be AND they can’t believe or make sense of the world they currently live in.
This is part of my series expressing my thoughts at the state of our country, world, culture … today.
Without being overtly political— and to maintain a commentary on it being more about culture than politics— I needed to find a way to express my concern (as well as be therapeutic for me).
So… I’m using my childhood cartoon/comic characters and putting them into today’s world and out of their comfort world… and how they might be or react.
I’ve also done a few with our daughters generation of cartoons bc I think it’s greatly effecting them as well.
At the surface they’re just paintings of known, beloved characters— but they’re also a comment on the world I see.